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Safety Information

SI 43 / 22 - Unsafe Access and Falls from Height whilst Storing and Manipulating Cylinders

Safety Information

SI 42 / 21 - Acetylene Cylinder Base Corrosion

Safety Information

SI 41 / 21 - Hazard of Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres in Healthcare Facilities

Safety Information

SI 40 / 21 - Medicinal Oxygen Production and Supply during Pandemic Situations

Safety Information

SI 39 / 20 - Securing of Cylinder Packages to Vehicles

Safety Information

SI 38 / 20 - Abuse of Nitrous Oxide for Recreational Inhalation

Safety Information

SI 37 / 19 - Controls on Filling Carbon Dioxide Cylinder Packages

Safety Information

SI 36 / 21 - Working at Height – the Hazard of Suspension Trauma when using Fall Arrest Systems

Safety Information

SI 33 / 18 - Incidents Involving Manually Actuated Isolation Valves in LOX Service

Safety Information

SI 32 / 19 - Restricted Use of Electronic Cigarettes with Oxygen Therapy