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EIGA Newsletter

14 December 2023

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EIGA leads on Hydrogen Safety

Robert Skribanek, Technical Manager at EIGA, has been appointed as the convenor of CEN/CLC/JTC6 WG 3 Hydrogen Safety.
This Working Group works on development and implementation of practices and procedures that will lead to safe operation, handling, storage and use of hydrogen and hydrogen systems. As hydrogen begins to play a significant role in the energy transition, minimising the safety hazards related to the use of this fuel is vital.

EIGA and their members are active in standardisation

During the month of November, typically several activities happen around the standardisation bodies.


Transport of Dangerous Goods

During the entire week of daily meetings in the United Nations’ buildings in Geneva, the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods reviewed tens of formal and informal papers, with the aim to accept new proposals and assess proposed changes to the existing Regulations.



Meeting of the National Associations

In the industrial gases chain, National Associations are crucial links.
They had a productive meeting on 23 November, with EIGA and kindly hosted by Industriegaseverband e. V. in Berlin.
A chance to exchange on European files  and national developments.

New Publications

COM 6/23 - Manufacturing of Oxygen for Medicinal Use at Healthcare Facilities

To ensure patient safety EIGA requests the competent authorities to harmonised guidance on how to apply consistently both the medical device and the medical product regulations for on-site medicinal gas extemporaneous preparations.

DOC 42/23 - Flexible Connections in High Pressure Gas Systems

This publication provides guidance on the design of systems that use flexible connections for high-pressure gas. The publication includes flexible connections for the charging and discharging of compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases. Cryogenic fluids are excluded.

DOC 89/23 - Medical Oxygen Systems for Homecare Supply

(Revision of Doc 89/16)

Covers the supply of medical oxygen to homecare patients by the various delivery routes available.

DOC 206/23 - Guidelines for Defining Specifications for Non-Medical Breathing Gases

(Revision of Doc 206/16)

This guide includes gases used for diving, aviation, surface applications such as confined entry and gas mixtures used for research for altitude and sports simulation tests.

DOC 210/23 - Hydrogen Pressure Swing Absorber (PSA) Mechanical Integrity Requirements

This publication is an industry-wide guideline for in-service mechanical integrity of PSA units and is intended to contribute to the operational safety and reliability of these units. This publication is not intended to address the details of design and installation of PSA vessels and piping. This publication applies to PSA units with reformer syngas, refinery off-gas, and other hydrogen containing off-gases. This publication is focused on the parts of the PSA that are subjected to pressure cycles, although some consideration is given to the noncyclic portions of the PSA system.

DOC 245/23 - EIGA Comments on PFAS Annex XV Restriction Proposal

We recognise the ambition to restrict PFAS to protect human health and the environment for future generations. In parallel, the PFAS restriction as defined today will significantly impact all aspects of gas industry. This document describes 5 main uses that will be impacted by the PFAS restriction proposal.

DOC 246/23 - Guideline for Small Scale Hydrogen Production

This publication provides safety and operating guidelines to address the hazards associated with the operation of small scale hydrogen production plants and with the siting next to a liquid fuelling station. This document references other related documents and adapt the guidelines of large-scale HYCO facilities to these small scale operations.

DOC 902/23 - Style Manual

(Revision of DOC 902/16)

The EIGA Style manual explains the rules to be applied when preparing EIGA publications. It covers many areas such as layout, editing rules, format and style.
It is be used in conjunction with the template for the appropriate publication. The style manual is intended to be used…

DOC 910/23 - SAC Data Bank

(Revision of DOC 910/15)

The Safety Advisory Council (SAC) of EIGA discusses and analyses incidents and keeps records of these incidents by entering the information in the SAC Data Bank.
This EIGA document describes the function of the SAC Data Bank, instructions on how accident reports are being entered, classified and subsequently searched and…

SA 27/23 - Risks Associated with Multiple 5th Wheel Designs and Coupling Procedures

(Revision of SA 27/16)
In recent years there have been a number of incidents reported from Member Companies involving trailer separations on public roadways. A finding from the investigations was that the transport function personnel were not aware that newly delivered prime movers/motive units were fitted with a different design of 5th wheel to that…

SI-TS 7/23 - Human Behaviours within Transport Operations

The root or basic causes of the majority of all incidents in the industrial and medical gases industry are unsafe behaviours by people (employees, contractors, managers etc.), not failures of plant or equipment. Even immediate causes that may be classified as unsafe conditions are usually created, or allowed to persist, through the behaviour of a person or a group of people. Transport is one of the highest risk activities in the industry and blame for incidents is often put on the drivers prematurely. Root causes for unsafe driver behaviour are often a result of a poor safety management system. This Transport Safety Information (TSI) provides advice on how to guide transport management and drivers to create an ‘interdependent’ safety culture. The goal is to help achieve an environment that promotes an open communication between employees and management to improve their overall safety performance. The topic of human factors in general is extensively covered in EIGA’s Safety Information - Human Factors series of documents and is not the focus of this publication. This TSI focuses on management’s and employees’ behaviour within transport operations. The aim is to help managers and drivers understand how their behaviour influences transport safety.

TB 017/23 - Active Substances and Starting Material Used in the Manufacture of Medicinal Gases According to Good Manufacturing Practice Part II

Providing guidance regarding the definition and classification of the active substances used in the manufacturing of medicinal gases.

TP 002/23 - EIGA Couplings Driver Training

This Training Material is for the EIGA coupling that is an industry standard for connecting transfilling hoses of production plant loading points to mobile equipment. This Training Package is intended for all users of the EIGA coupling including those who train users.

TP 009/23 - Slips, Trips and Falls

(Revision of TP 009/16)
Slips, Trips and Falls are not specific to the industrial gas industry but make up a large percentage of total lost time accidents reported to EIGA.
EIGA is very concerned not only due to the large number, but also because each time such an accident happens, there is a possibility…

TP INC 51/23 - Recent Incidents in the Industrial and Medical Gases Industry (SAC 175)

At each meeting of the EIGA Safety Advisory Council (SAC), the members exchange information on gas industry related incidents (accidents causing injuries, property or environmental damage and near-misses). SAC discusses and analyses these incidents. This information is used by SAC to determine the priorities for safety alerts, safety information, new and revised documents, campaigns etc.…

The European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA)

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