02 December 2022

Global IHC meeting in Brussels

The International Harmonisation Council (IHC) manages the global harmonisation of industry standards.

The IHC consists of representatives from the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA), the Asia Industrial Gases Association (AIGA), the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) and the Japan Industrial and Medical Gases Association (JIMGA). Today, the IHC maintains more than 60 harmonised standards.

In August this year, EIGA hosted this internal council at their new offices.
The 4 regional associations attended together with observers from the different member companies to discuss following main topics:

  • Strategic Approach to Harmonising Hydrogen Standards
  • A new Hydrogen Taskforce (see above)
  • Drafting a harmonization publication on Sustainability Metrics, i.e. the implementation of the GHG Protocol in an industrial gases industry context
  • As in each meeting, the council reviewed the progress of harmonised documents

IHC had a ride in a hydrogen bus ride to a fuelling station close of Brussels. We witnessed fuelling first hand and learned more on the safety features of both hydrogen vehicles and fuelling stations.