02 December 2022

AIGA, CGA, EIGA and JIMGA launch the Hydrogen Safety Ecosystem is a global web-platform centralising hydrogen safety standards and publications for easy access.

Hydrogen use is widely expected to grow drastically, in particular as it has the potential to decarbonize our society and avoid further global warming.  We witness daily new investments in hydrogen production and applications. These new applications involve newcomers with the brightest of ideas, but not necessarily with a solid hydrogen safety background.
Moreover, applications move from industrial B2B environments to also public B2C environments such as hydrogen car refuelling stations.

As a result, it are no longer the long-standing industrial specialists that come in contact with hydrogen and its applications, but also a large group of people that may be less knowledgeable or trained.
We are convinced the only good roll-out is a safe rollout. How pity would it be if avoidable accidents were to happen, potentially impacting the very hydrogen rollout itself.

The Industrial Gases sector finds it important that new entrants in the hydrogen world would be able to benefit from the safety expertise that our industry has captured in standards and publications for over decades. We therefore developed a web-platform to make our hydrogen safety standards more easily accessible. Only publications are listed that relate to hydrogen safety and originate from selected standard organisations and associations.

Feel free to have a look for yourself. There might just be that one hydrogen safety publication for you !