Dr. Simon Jahn
CEO of ifw Jena – Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung
After studying mechanical engineering, Simon finished his PhD. thesis in 2007 (about additive manufacturing by diffusion bonding) and held various positions at Ilmenau University of Technology) as well as Technical University of Berlin.
He joined ifw Jena in 2010 and is head of the institute since 2016. Beside others, projects about influence of gases in PBF, arc and laser welding or heat treatment were carried out (e.g. duplex steels, Ti- and Al alloys).
Simon is convenor of ISO/TC 261/JWG 10 – Additive manufacturing in aerospace applications as well as for the national DIN Metal-AM committee, member of different steering committees (ISO, DIN, VDI, DVS, etc.) and supports the International Institute of Welding as Vice-Chair of different commissions, e.g. Brazing and Diffusion Bonding or Young Professionals, and as German delegate for AM.